
What's new in Chewbotta

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Transform Your SaaS Analytics with our New Stripe App

Transform Your SaaS Analytics with our New Stripe App

Discover our new integration on Stripe. This powerful app offers Smart Subscription Analytics, an interactive, chat-based interface, and the star feature: a Stripe Integrated Analytics Dashboard that displays vital SaaS metrics, daily objectives, and MRR trends alongside in-depth customer insights. Gain complete visibility over customer behavior and trending metrics, leading to improved decision-making, elevated customer experiences, and ultimately, increased revenue. Harness the power of smarter data analytics now.
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Customer-Data Enrichment with Chewbotta

Customer-Data Enrichment with Chewbotta

Get ready to discover a smarter way to understand your customers with Chewbotta's latest feature! Our innovative customer data enrichment feature brings clarity and precision to your fingertips, revealing a detailed snapshot of your customers' businesses in just mere seconds. With this stride in the realm of AI technology, you can now cut through the noise, grasp your customers' core values, and make informed decisions quickly —say goodbye to endless searching and hello to data-driven customer insights. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into what this means for your business and how you can revolutionize your customer relationships, all while reclaiming your valuable time. Proceed to delve into a whole new level of customer understanding!
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The Customer Profile Page

The Customer Profile Page

Chewy's got a new feature up his sleeve: the Customer Profile Page on Chewbotta. This all-in-one dashboard gives you the lowdown on your customers, from basic info to Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) trends. It's designed to boost your decision-making and relationship management game by providing comprehensive customer insights. Think of it as your command center for diving deep into customer data, helping you tailor experiences and make strategic moves to grow your SaaS business.
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